In particular, the Lock-In makes Cooler incredibly oppressive against any Yellow opponent, so Super Vegito, who arguably was the best Fighter in the Meta prior to Cooler's release, took a significant hit. Cooler doesn't completely wipe them off the meta, but his Element Disadvantage-control tools and his Lock-In Effects tackle those two Fighters pretty effectively.

Until a few weeks ago, Super Saiyans reigned supreme in the Meta, as pretty much any team involving the Ultra duo of Super Gogeta and Super Vegito was guaranteed to be a serious threat in high-ranked PVP. He's worthy of this placement for several reasons, the main one being how he single-handedly caused a major Meta Shift, in terms of how matchups are played. Final Form Cooler's debut on the list is a perfect 10/10, as he becomes the first Fighter to join God Tier since the dreaded Droids duo.